Yoga at church?

Yoga doesn’t have to be “woo woo”!
Our modern world can be so draining, hectic, joyous, busy, and often overwhelming. We barely have time to sit down, let alone exercise! When will we find time to be in the Word? Ichthys Yoga exists to combine these vital parts of our lives — the spiritual and the physical.
In America, yoga usually refers to the “Asanas”, or poses and postures, designed to stretch and strengthen the body. Some of the benefits of yoga are: flexibility, body awareness, breath control and lung capacity, pain management, strength, stillness, and recovery.
As with any activity or object, how we use it and frame it can make all the difference. Yoga is no different. Although yoga is an ancient practice originating in many places around the world, Christians can and do use the techniques of yoga to give glory to God in ALL they do. As Christians we set our minds on things above. We think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, and whatever is excellent or praiseworthy. We give our whole lives as a thank offering to God; even our exercise, as we live and move and have our being.
Ichthys Yoga is my attempt to offer my thanks to God for my health and mobility, my church family and faith, my salvation and hope. I want to share yoga with everyone I know; with no barriers to participation. Hopefully, we will all become healthier and happier together, through our practice of yoga with a Christian mindset.
Thank you for sharing your practice with me. ❤️